What to Do During Lockdown?
Most of you humanoids are creatures of habit. You get up the same time every day, probably eat the same meals, do the same shit during the day, rinse and repeat until you die. Boom, just like that! We’re in lockdown again. It’s all a little weird for me suddenly there’s a bunch of professional runners and cyclists around. I can’t tell if people are smiling or angry as I can’t see faces, people are getting out of my way, there is oddly shaped lines to get in and out of places.
Some businesses are essential, some are not. “The only thing that’s essential is confusion”. People are confused because you’ve taken jobs, daily habits and routines away from them. There’s a quote from Madeleine L’Engle that has been resonating with me during lockdown “Because to take away a man’s freedom, even his freedom to make the wrong choice, is to manipulate him as though he were a puppet and not a person”.
What to do during lockdown that isn’t running, cycling or illegal?
Whatever you do? Please do something! There is absolutely no reason you should be feeling sorry for yourself. I remember at a tournament, Bryan (he talks a lot) who’s been training for over a decade didn’t get off to the best start, he was sitting there just playing around in guard. He was down on points and there wasn’t much time left, I know he’s got the best armbar and triangle game in the whole gym as he’s tapped me plenty of times. I could see that both options were there, but I couldn’t actually say it. So I yelled out “DO SOMETHING” from across the floor, and it was like he read my mind, boom perfect armbar from guard, he won gold. Everyone at the tournament thought it was funny how two stupid words changed the outcome of his match.
You all should be doing something during lockdown. Yes, it sucks as Prodigy MMA is shut for a little bit, go out and find something to do. Go learn something new, it’s the perfect time for it. You humanoids learn by reading, writing, listening and doing. Trust me on that learning thing. I’ve been sent here from Uranus to study humanoids. Did you know Uranus is only planet with a name derived from a Greek deity? Uranus is bizarre. Uranus is unique. Saturn may be pretty, Jupiter may be huge, but everyone is intrigued with Uranus. While all the other planets spin like tops around the sun, Uranus lies on its side. It isn’t the farthest planet from the sun, yet it manages to be the coldest. Please get off Uranus and “DO SOMETHING”.
Yours always
Darko Bloggins