Now this is a funny subject! The lovely people that run this country are making life difficult for us small business owners. You either comply, get vaccinated to do business or you won’t be able to do business at all. I know many people that work in construction, hospitality or work in red zones that were strongly encouraged (practically forced) to get vaccinated. I seriously believe it should be your choice because it’s your body, but also believe that people should be doing the right thing as the vaccine “may” save lives.
The other problem is I’m on social media, like most people I have various accounts. I don’t know about you, but I constantly get conspiracy theories sent to me, and I’m also a huge Simpsons fan. Oh shit! Lo and behold some of these conspiracy theories and episodes from The Simpsons have actually come true. There’s heaps of bullshit out there from the Royal Family who are really lizard people, 5G towers, Bill Gates micro chipping the whole world, the freemasons, event 201, to the rich and powerful that sacrifice babies in front of a giant wooden owl at Bohemian Grove. Gullible people will believe anything Alex Jones tells them. Why? Because he speaks with conviction.
Now, I have received heaps of conspiracy theories about the “vaccination of the nation program” the government has been shoving down our throats. I started to believe some of it and it started to piss me off. How dare they force me to put poison into my body? They are trying to scare us, so they can control us. Look at all the side effects. Pretty sure a lot of you had the same thoughts, it’s quite normal to question everything. Now I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I’m anti-stupid. In life I always approached things with logic. We are actually quite lucky to have access to information at our fingertips, so I did a bit of investigating.
These vaccines are approved by some smart people, and in order to be approved the ingredients have to be listed. I looked at every single ingredient in the vaccines, absolutely nothing suspicious there. Yes, there is a slight chance something could go wrong. But there’s also a slight chance I could get hit by lightning, which actually happened to me once I was lucky to be in my car when it happened. The right ear still rings sometimes because of it. Oddly enough it was a short documentary about the least vaxxed place in the world, a little place called Mountain Home, Arkansas, in the Ozarks region that convince me to get vaccinated. Those poor stupid rednecks, I actually got a little emotional when Christopher Green who’s 53 years old, he has covid, on his deathbed, he refused to get vaccinated. Poor redneck died 9 days after they finished filming, so much for Southern Hospitality.
One of my favourite shows is Oz, it’s a series about life in Oswald State Correctional Facility. The series wouldn’t get released these days as it covers subjects what most producers wouldn’t go near. One of the main characters is a guy named Tobias Beecher, an alcoholic lawyer, he’s a total nerd. Unfortunately he was drunk when he ran over a girl and is stuck in jail. Oh boy, did he suffer because he didn’t fit in. Until one day, Beecher confronts Schillinger at basketball court who’s been giving him a hard time. He assaults him, ties him down, and shits on him in front of the other inmates. Beecher earned respect from the inmates and finally fit in after that.
We are not being forced to get vaccinated, it’s seriously your choice. I want travel again, I want things to be normal, I want my local pub back. But most of all I want Prodigy MMA back! Hopefully one day, I’ll do the Beecher and confront these bullies and shit on the front lawn at Parliament House.
Yours always
Darko 'Vaxman' Bloggins