Twas a funny week
This week has been quite eventful to say the least. We had done renovations at Prodigy, moved the cage panels to the other side and removed the “snuff” storage room in the corner. Installed bench seating and moved the wall pads around. I finally have the padded room I have always wanted, I can head butt the walls when no one is around and it doesn’t hurt anymore.
So far so good, it’s been smooth sailing but of course something had to fuck up. We bought the wrong brand of mats from Facebook marketplace, managed to find the correct ones, there was a miscommunication about the pickup, but we finally got them, they were slightly thinner so we had to fix that.
I was at Prodigy MMA until 7pm on Saturday cleaning the place and out throwing stuff out. I’m OCD I really hate clutter, if there is clutter it clutters by brain. It makes it hard for me to concentrate, you’ll probably see my eyes dart around the room, sometimes I’ll stare at nothing with a murderous glare. I am well aware I do it and have always used my humour and quick wit to make people comfortable around me.
But enough about me we had an in house tournament, a grading and UFC 261 on Sunday morning. I thought I had a weird week, but the UFC was weird as fuck, it had a leg injury, a leg break, a stoppage, and a couple amazing knockouts.
But my highlight was the in house tournament and grading, I was seriously impressed with everyone that jump on the mats on Sunday. The rules were simple, no belts, no age restrictions, no weight divisions. I called your name and you pick anyone you want to roll with.
We had hungry white belts tapout purple belts. Some people chose easy rolls, other’s picked the hardest people in the whole place to roll with, even had a person who popped his rib on Wednesday compete. He didn’t listen to me, he still jumped in there and gave it a go, you can’t teach toughness. The place was buzzing with energy and I went home a very happy man and had the best night’s sleep I’ve had all week.
Congratulations to the two new blue belts and all the others that got their stripes. I won’t be apologising for pushing people hard, every stripe on your belt is earned on the mats. If you want easy, I suggest you go meditate, become centred and let that imaginary white light lead you into a brick wall because your eyes were shut.
Yours always
Darko Bloggins