Flow With The Go
Hands down the quickest way to get better in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is by rolling. I actually get quite annoyed seeing people sitting out rounds. You have invested your time to come train, you will never get it back. People sit out rounds because they’re tired, injured, had a bad day at work, their favourite training partner or the new person isn’t there, maybe the gym gatekeeper is in tonight and you don’t want to get smashed again.
I have a weird obsession with time, you’ve done the right thing you’re at training, I seriously don’t mind if you show up late. But when it comes to rolling you should grabbing the toughest person in the gym and let them smash you. Why?
Well it’s an industry secret the only way to get better is by getting smashed all the time. The other thing it does it keeps your ego in check, you’re not invincible because you train Jiu-Jitsu. You’re human and there is people out there that train full time, more athletic, stronger, faster, younger and better than you.
Trust me, I’ll struggle with a really athletic white belt as much as you do for a minute or two. The reason is my ego, the old ego thinks it can match them in athleticism but it can’t, after a couple minutes the ego doesn’t like what going, it lets go and my technique takes over, I get a well timed effortless sweep, I get on top and will get the tap with whatever is given to me as I don’t like to use my strength.
I’m going to give out few free tips that those NLP, guru, life coach assholes charge a fortune for, so listen up. Stop comparing yourself with others. Don’t be afraid to fuck up, you’ll learn something. Invest your time wisely, you’ll never get it back. Pay off of your credit cards. Do something or be someone different. Stop trying to please everyone, when it takes less effort to piss everyone off. Choose your friends wisely, most of them won’t be there when you need them.
Learn to laugh at yourself, you’re a joke. Go and buy all the toilet paper at the supermarket, I call it investing in shitcoin. Karma doesn’t exist, it’s actually a great name for a stripper. Learn to fight, don’t form emotional attachments, being stoic really has its benefits and please stop complaining about the fuckin weather. But who the hell am I to tell you what to do? All I want is people to enjoy their Martial Arts journey as much as I have.
Yours always
Darko Bloggins