Keep It Simple Stupid
Back when I started training BJJ we only had dial up internet in Australia. I originally had to get another phone line installed so I could use the internet without disconnecting the parent’s phone. It was awesome when the phone line splitter came out and we were able to share the same phone line. I remember the noises the modem use to make, imagine the sound of two fax machines on four day meth bender having a domestic dispute. Browsing the internet at a lighting fast 56K was the best thing ever, a 10 minute clip use to take two weeks to download. Then suddenly, like it was overnight things got a whole lot quicker, faster internet, mobile phones, youtube, social media, influencers, news at your fingertips and all my favourite musicians had all died.
We had martial art magazines and videos on VCR and some nerds out there took notes. A Brazilian who offered $50,000 of his own money to anyone that could beat him in a martial arts magazine and the first UFC on VCR that got me started. We seriously didn’t know much, my coach was a blue belt, his coach was a purple belt at the time there was no BJJ black belts in Australia in 1997. We only knew the basics but no one complained. As for other resources I got weekly private lessons and attended as many BJJ seminars as I could afford. We had footage of comps we competed in, videos of UFC, a Mario Sperry BJJ Vale Tudo instructional and my old favourite the old Gracies in Action 1 & 2 documentary, there was others but those three are the ones I remember really well.
You people have got it easy these days, you have access to content that you can stream at will and youtube. One thing that really grinds my gears is people trying techniques they just saw on youtube, don’t get me wrong I often check youtube for content myself. But trying inverted guards, lapel guards, worm guards, heel hooks, silly baseball chokes and whatever cool exotic stuff you saw on youtube is seriously a waste of time. I remember my first swimming lesson they showed us how to dog paddle before they showed the freestyle.
Your BJJ shouldn’t be any different, learn takedowns, supplement your BJJ with striking, understanding the positions in BJJ, distance management is really important, know how to get up correctly, learn to pass guard and get top position and of course have a few submissions you’re great at. All I do is kimura’s from everywhere, arm triangles and butterfly sweeps, I guarantee you watch me roll you will see me always go back to the fundamentals. Stick to the basics, learn to walk before you can sprint. Why? Because they fuckin work!
Yours always
Darko Bloggins